New Taxes and Fees Structure

New Taxes and Fees Structure | Hotel Link System

September 30, 2020

What changes does New Structure bring?

The new structure will support you to set up Taxes and Fees for Accommodation and Booking Extras more flexible. The multiple options based on the policy of the item you want to apply.


Hotel Link will activate this feature in October 2020. Your existing setup will be converted to the new structure automatically. After the activation date, you should access the Booking Engine -> Setup -> Settings page to review the setting and update it if needed.

What are the differences?

1. Accommodation

a. Set up:

Currently, there are 3 options for tax/fee setup: Embedded in rate, Charged additionally at booking time, and Collected on arrival.


The New Structure has only 2 options:

  1. The Taxes and Fees embedded in the rate and you can choose to specify details or not to travelers.

  2. Tax and Fees Charge additionally (Combined Taxes and Fees charged additionally and collected on guest arrival)


The structure of the rule table has a new type dropdown for each item as follows:

  1. per item per stay

  2. per item per night

  3. per stay

  4. per night

  5. per guest per stay

  6. per adult per stay

  7. per child per stay

  8. per guest per night

  9. per adult per night

  10. per child per night

and time to apply these charges:

  1. On Arrival

  2. At Booking Time

b. How to display:

Depending on your settings, detailed info of tax and fee will be shown on rate page or checkout page when travelers hover mouse on the amount as depicted below.

tax tax

2. Booking Extras

a. Set up:

In this update, the user will be able to specify the tax and fee scheme independently from the hotel’s tax and fee. Currently, booking extra’s tax and fee is inherited from the hotel’s one.


b. How to display:

Depending on your settings, detailed info of tax and fee will be shown on the checkout page when travelers hover mouse on the amount as depicted below.

tax tax

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